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I had face to face sessions with Katrina for a couple of months and I can confidently say that working with her was a transformative experience. Katrina consistently provided a safe and non-judgemental space for me to explore my thoughts and emotions and offered me perspective that has helped me gain a deeper understanding of myself and provided me with tools and coping strategies that have made a tangible difference in my daily life. I would highly recommend Katrina to anyone seeking a compassionate and skilled therapist. She has truly helped me to transform my life and I am grateful for her support.


Although we haven’t had many sessions Katrina’s helped me a lot with anxiety, nightmares, difficulties coping with day to day problems and also showed me a way to communicate my feelings and thoughts in a healthy and safe way. Things still get rough at times but Katrina has given me really helpful tools to deal with those bad times and encouraged me to be my true self and speak up. It’s been a very rewarding experience. 


We had reached a point where it was hard to see how we might move forwards but meeting with Katrina helped us to listen and truly hear and understand one another again. Katrina's gentle approach allowed us to open up and feel safe to speak. Now we are doing so well, we're back to how we were (and better!) ... Thank you so much for helping us.

Laura and Matthew

I had counselling sessions with Katrina for ten months, mainly face-to-face, but at times via Zoom. I initially sought counselling to help me find a way to be strong enough to support my son who will need heart surgery in the near future.  


My sessions with Katrina took me on a personal journey I hadn’t envisaged and I was able to talk openly for the first time about many of my feelings; joy, loss, love, pain, fear, pride, anxiety, bewilderment, forgiveness.  Talking with Katrina helped me get to know the ‘real me’ and I feel very lucky to have found someone I felt so comfortable with.


"Katrina helped us during a crisis in our relationship.  She created a safe space for us to open up and express ourselves, encouraging us to understand the impact of the communication between us and the deeper meanings.  We found her easy to trust, thoughtful and intuitive.  She made the sessions enjoyable with her use of communication tools and we’re very grateful to have had such an experienced and creative therapist help us through our difficulties.  We would highly recommend her to anyone needing counselling/therapy!"  

Gill and Peter (mother and adult son)

Extremely good!!  Katrina is never one sided and always helps us to to look at things from different perspectives.

Rachael (Couples client)

I'm in such a better place at the moment with things and would like to thank you for the help you have given me. It’s been a really positive experience for me seeking out therapy at a time when I was struggling.  I think that seeking therapy is (and should be seen as) more of a strength and positive thing to do nowadays, than a weakness.  I would like to say a very big thank you again. You have been so easy and refreshing to open up and talk to and I appreciate all you have done for me.



"My partner and I had been together for many years and had a very happy relationship when we were challenged by a potentially devastating financial ‘mistake’. I had felt very shocked, angry and let down by him and could not see a way of rebuilding my trust. 

I think that he felt hopeless and full of shame and just wanted to run away. We were truly stuck and it looked as if our family (us and two children) would fall apart. 

We saw Katrina together over several months. At one point it looked as if we would separate and it was good to know that Katrina would help us through that process if need be. Thankfully, in the end it wasn’t necessary. 

Katrina helped us to really talk honestly with each other. It was difficult at times to hear what he thought and felt about my way of being and communicating and - I won’t lie - there were a few tense car journeys home! 

But Katrina supported us through that. She was also able to help me express and channel my considerable rage, which could have felt very unsafe without adequate support and appropriate containment. 

Her consulting room felt like a safe place to say things I couldn’t say elsewhere. I got to say what I needed to say without it destroying us! 

I really appreciated the way that Katrina did not side with either of us, and never blamed anyone, but stayed fully focused on ‘the relationship’ as her client. I also liked the methods she used, particularly the sand tray, which was a really creative way to express and work through feelings and unconscious ‘stuff’ that may have not found its way into the light using conventional talking methods. Katrina also taught us how to do a daily temperature check to keep us communicating honestly but helpfully. 

We stayed together! It surprised many of our friends who really thought we wouldn’t make it through. We are now 5 years on and going strong. 

I am so glad we stuck with it because we have been closer than ever and communicate so much more helpfully. What doesn’t break you really does make you stronger! 

Every now and then we reflect on that time and we are both so thankful that we found the right person to help us through that difficult time. 

Katrina is a warm, safe, competent, brave, creative and gifted therapist. I have recommended many people to her since and will continue to do so.”

Sarah - couples client

"Katrina has helped me beyond belief and I am so grateful for having her to lean on for the past year! I decided to seek psychotherapy at age 20, at that point I was the only person I knew attending counselling sessions and this made the prospect even more daunting. I don't believe psychotherapy is encouraged enough, especially to students, which results in more people suffering by themselves. Katrina has helped me find my feet and start getting my life back on track. I've learnt so much about myself and I couldn't thank Katrina enough! I would definitely recommend Katrina to anyone else."

A student who wished to remain anonymous

"Through working with Katrina, I was able to explore difficult family relationships and arrive at a point where I feel care and compassion for family members who had previously made me feel angry and let down. I have also been more honest and real with my friends and have better friendships as a result. 

I am more confident. I laugh more. I have started to make better choices about where to put my energy. I am able to make time for things I enjoy, which was something I found difficult before. My own interests would squeeze into the little bits of time that were left when I'd done everything everyone else invited me to or suggested to me, but now I'm happy to turn things down and make my own interests and wellbeing a priority.

I have been able to understand reasons why I was unhappy at work, that the type of work I was doing wasn't the way I expected it to be and didn't really suit my personality type. I have a good idea of the types of roles I will aim for in future, so that my work life is happier.

I'd definitely recommend working with Katrina. I guess when you're prone to low moods and self doubt it doesn't completely go away, but on a good day, I feel like a different person from the one I was before I first went for the sessions. I know myself better and am much more able to focus on all the great things I have in my life. "


"Katrina was very kind to me at a difficult time in my life.  She gave me the tools to think outside of the box, when I was at a difficult crossroads in my mind causing my anxiety to feel overwhelming.  Katrina and I spoke over Skype, which was ideal for me as I am disabled, but it felt like we were in the same room.  I highly recommend Katrina for her compassion, empathy and warmth." 


Katrina helped me unravel some issues I was struggling with. With Katrina’s support I have much lighter shoulders and have found a sense of peace and I have far more confidence and belief in myself. Whilst I still have my occasional anxieties, Katrina has given me some tools to help me manage these. If you need an understanding ear, I would highly recommend Katrina. 


Katrina was very helpful in supporting me to discuss some sexual difficulties. She was very knowledgeable, easy to talk to and made me feel quickly at ease. Katrina helped me to explore my sexuality and the problems I was having in a sensitive, kind way. I feel better equipped going forward.
